Thursday 18 October 2012

Time to get organised !

     Fresher’s fun has faded and the hard work is kicking in. It’s time to get organised and make sure you have the right tools for the job. It’s important to get into good habits at the start with things like note taking and keeping up with lectures .Also to make sure you prioritize your assignments, because there is nothing more embarrassing for me than turning up to class and everybody has done the work apart from me.

     I also think the right bag makes everything easier. At school, sixth form and now university I still see girls with really small bags, and think how the heck do you fit everything in there. Well the answer is they don’t fit everything in there. I like big practical bags where you can pretty much fit the kitchen sink inside. I have stuff in my bag that I don’t use on a daily basis, but would be lost without it in an emergency. You never know when a pesky blister is going to pop up so I always have a box of plasters on hand just in case.

     Most of all remember to have fun, you have chosen the course you are on for a reason so enjoy it, often the people you meet at university become lifelong friends and I have already met some really great people. So don’t get too bogged down with work and remember a social life is also really important.
see everything fits, just about .

Post it notes are great for writing homework on , as you can place them in order and discard of them easily when work is completed.

A diary is essential to keep organised.

The bag I use is from Primark, its great as I can fit loads inside and it can be carried in two ways.

The bag is cheap and affordable great for everyday.

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